Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back in Business!

Hey there everyone! We hope you didn't forget about us. It's been a crazy couple of weeks for us over here - SOOO MUCH going on. We'll try to keep this recap nice and quick for you :)

New News:

1) Scott was the Best Man at a beautiful wedding! We had such a great time spending the weekend with his friends and family - and we even got to take some fun pics in a photo booth!

2) Scott went to Ireland for the Notre Dame v Navy game in Dublin. He spent the week before the game touring the country with three of his friends. Though there was plenty of non-paleo beer and food to be had, Scott did a good job of eating healthfully most of the time. Eating healthy isn't about restricting yourself "just cuz," it's about providing your body with the right nourishment so you can enjoy and have the energy for site seeing and exploring.

3) I gave my 2 weeks notice at my current job.

That's right! I will be shifting gears in my career (yet again), trying out something that's a little more people focused -- recruiting and account management for a tech recruiting firm. So, if you are an IT specialist, programmer, Engineer, or Hiring Manager, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll see what I can do for yah ;)

4) Scott and I are doing it again -- We are taking on another Tough Mudder...

...this time, TOGETHER! We'll be racing mudder with 4 other awesome dudes! One of them, is doing his 3rd race with me!! Metro dash to Urbanathlon and now to Mudder :) Wish us luck we'll need it this weekend in Wisconsin!

5) Scott and I have entered into a Semi-Pro Crossfit competition in Chicago the 1st weekend of December! We'll be competing as individuals among 100 competitors in our region!! Here a link to the details and strength requirements:

Alrighty I think we've caught you up on all the nonsense going on in our lives...stay tuned for a post this Friday about how we prep for races...aka eating for performance!

Happy Hump Day everyone!

~Scott & Lina

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