Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Perfect Post-WoD Breakfast

Working out in the morning certainly takes its toll on your body, both physically and mentally.  Mentally, it's a struggle every day to drag myself out of bed, gather my things for the day, and head to the gym.  Most of the world is still fast asleep at 5AM, and likely will be for at least another two hours.  There are only two real answers to this problem.  1) Get plenty of sleep and 2) SUCK IT UP!

As for the physical toll, there are a few other, much more delicious, steps we can take to help our bodies recover.  In addition to a post workout shake, we all need to be sure to have a proper and nutritious breakfast.  We have come up with what we think is a pretty solid combo.  Four words....salmon, eggs, sweet potatoes.

First we'll tackle the salmon and the eggs, then the sweet potatoes:

Salmon Veggie Breakfast Scramble


Salmon (8oz)
Dill (or other spices, as desired)
Eggs (1dozen whole, cage free, organic)
Coconut Oil


Honestly, this one is really easy.  Feel free to portion as you like, but I like to plan for about 4-5 eggs for myself and 2-3 for Lina. 

The first step is to grill the salmon (or bake it).  Place salmon on a sheet of aluminum foil and sprinkle dill or whatever other spice you like.  Grill over medium heat for 10-12 minutes (until fish flakes apart).  Super easy.

Add the oil to a hot frying pan.  Once melted add all of the veggies and let them saute for a minute or two.  Once the spinach has wilted, add all of the eggs.  Continuously stir until you have a scramble.

Now you can add in the salmon.  I like to shred it up with a fork and stir it in the scramble, but you can certainly leave it in tact as a topping to the eggs.

Again...super simple, nutrition dense, and perfectly paired with...

Sweet Potato Hash

Sweet Potatoes (3 large for this recipe)
Grass Fed Butter (we like KerryGold) - about 2 tbsp


First you will need to grate the sweet potates down to a desired size.  For the most part, thinner is better, but we'll leave that up to you.  Melt the butter in a pan over medium heat.  Add the grated potatoes to the pan and continuously stir.  Once the hash reaches a consistency you like, turn off the heat and add cinnamon to taste.

And there you have it.  A perfect post-WoD breakfast to assist your body in recovery.  Enjoy!

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